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Lisbon is the perfect bouquet to express your congratulations and best wishes for a bright future. Featuring cheerful sunflowers, delicate gerberas, roses, lisianthus and accent flowers . This vibrant bouquet is bursting with energy and positivity. When you give a bouquet of sunflowers, you are telling the recipient that you believe in their potential and that you are excited to see what the future holds for them.


Your bouquet comes in our branded bag with our signature wrapping. 

A complimentary message card can be added, simply enter your message under "Date/ card message" section on bottom left corner at check out.


  • Whilst we will do all possible to mirror the product you have chosen in shape, content and colours, Kew Garden Flowers reserves the right to substitute of any or all the contents is permitted and this will be deemed acceptable provided the product gives value for money. 

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